Sunday, October 29, 2023

Acuitas Diary #65 (October 2023)

I guess I've done a lot since the last entry. I integrated the new Text Generator into the main body of Acuitas code, so now it's his solution for generating speech. I continued with the Text Parser rework and improved handling of infinitive phrases. And I (tentatively) completed Big Story.

Let's start with Big Story. It is plot-complete and currently stands at 99 lines. It generates 45 character "issues" (problems or subgoals), all of which are resolved in some way by the time the story is complete. Compared to any story I've told Acuitas before, this is dramatically longer and more complex (and it still leaves out a bunch of subplots and secondary characters from the movie this story is based on). I did my best to reproduce character motivation and the major story beats in a way Acuitas can "understand."

I don't want to give the story away yet, but here's a low-detail zoom-out of just part of the narrative diagram, to give an idea of how it's shaping up.

Screenshot of a narrative flow diagram showing part of a complex story. Zoomed out so actual text is largely unreadable.

Once the full plot was established and all the issues were resolving, I started refining the explanation of some points and fixing bugs. I'll continue this work in hopes of having it wrapped up by year's end. Before I demo the story, I'll also need to reinstate Acuitas' reactions to story lines and the ability for Acuitas and the conversant to ask each other questions about the story (things that fell by the wayside during my last Narrative rework). This should be easier now that the new Text Generator is in place. And of course, working on this project has revealed tons of pain points in the way I currently do things, and ways I could improve the Narrative module. Some time after I get done with it, I'll be tilling all those insights back into the soil, as it were. But that will almost certainly have to wait for next year.

One of the fun asides from this round of storytelling was figuring out how to render another new concept. I originally had this line:

[A] wanted to obey [B] because [A] was cowardly.

Problem: Acuitas has no specific grounding for "cowardly." Could I explain cowardice with the existing tools? Well ... yes actually. Like the obsession with power, it's another goal misprioritization. I replaced the line with these two:

[A] wanted to be safe more than [A] wanted any other thing.
[A] wanted to obey [B] because [A] wanted to be safe.

The first line gets this safety obsession flagged as a negative goal, because putting anything but altruism in the top spot is a no-no. Then that taints the motivation for obedience on the second line, which would be fine in isolation. The issue is not that Character A desires safety, but that he will do literally anything to get it (which includes submitting to coercive orders to harm others).

I need breaks from working on Narrative (it's hard), so I've also continued improvements to the Parser. My major accomplishment in the past month was getting infinitives to work again under the new scheme that better supports phrase/clause nesting. While I was at it, I finally dealt with some special constructions that the old parser couldn't handle. Consider these sentences:

1. To live is to exist.
2. Is to live to exist?
3. What is it to live?
4. What is to live?

The previous version of the Parser could handle the first two. The open-ended question form was tricky. I think the most correct way to ask it is Sentence 3; without further context, Sentence 4 means something more like "which things are intended to live." But it's pretty easy for the parser to trip over Sentence 3 (What's the direct object? What role does the phrase play? Does the "what" belong inside the phrase or outside?). This time around I finally put in the effort to get all four variations working - plus some other constructions I hadn't tried before, such as "What is he to do?"

Work on the new Parser continues. I'd also love to have that done by the end of the year, but we'll see.

Until the next cycle,

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