Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Acuitas Diary #75 (August 2024)

This month I turned back to the Text Parser and began what I'm sure will be a long process: tackling sentence structure ambiguity. I was specifically focusing on ambiguity in the function of prepositional phrases. 

Consider these two sentences:

I gave the letter to John.
I gave Sarah the letter to John.

The prepositional phrase is "to John." The exact same phrase can modify either the verb, as in the first sentence (to whom did I give?) or the noun immediately preceding it, as in the second sentence (which letter?). In this example, the distinguishing factor is nothing in the phrase itself, but the presence or absence of an indirect object. In the second sentence, the indirect object takes over the role of indicating "to whom?", so by process of elimination, the phrase must indicate "which letter."

There are further examples in which the plain structure of the sentence gives no sign of a prepositional phrase's function. For instance, there multiple modes in which "with" can be used:

I hit the nails with the hammer. (Use of a tool; phrase acts as adverb attached to "hit")
I found the nails with the hammer. (Proximity; phrase acts as adverb attached to "found")
I hit the nails with my friends. (Joint action; phrase acts as adverb attached to "hit")
I hit the nails with the bent shanks. (Identification via property; phrase acts as adjective attached to "nails")

How do you, the reader, tell the difference? In this case, it's the meaning of the words that clues you in. And the meaning lies in known properties of those concepts, and the relationships between them. This is where the integrated nature of Acuitas' Parser really shines. I can have it query the semantic memory for hints that help resolve the ambiguity, such as:

Are hammers/friends/shanks typically used for hitting?
Can hammers/friends/shanks also hit things?
Are hammers/friends/shanks something that nails typically have?

This month I worked on examples like the ones above, as well as "from" (very similar to "to"), "before" and "after," which are sensitive to the presence of time-related words:

I will come to your house on the hill after Christmas. (Phrase "after Christmas" acts as adverb attached to "come")
I will come to your house on the day after Christmas. (Phrase "after Christmas" acts as adjective attached to "day")

... "about," which likes to attach to nouns that carry information:

I told Emily about the accident. (Phrase acts as adverb attached to "told")
I told the story about the accident. (Phrase acts as adjective attached to "story")

... and "for," which I am so far only sorting based on the presence or absence of a be-verb:

This is the book for Jake. (Phrase acts as adjective attached to "book")
I brought the book for Jake. (Phrase is *more likely* an adverb attached to "brought")

That last example illustrates an important point: I am here only trying to get the most "natural" or "default" interpretation of each sentence considered in isolation. There are some ambiguities that can be resolved only by context. If a speaker has been repeatedly talking about "the book that is for Jake," then "for Jake" could be an adjective in the second sentence, especially if there are other books under discussion and the speaker is trying to indicate which one they brought. To resolve an ambiguity like this, the Parser will have to query the Narrative Scratchboard rather than the semantic memory. This isn't something I've tried to implement yet, but the architectural support for it is there.

The final thing I did this month was a bit of work on "in/inside." I was specifically targeting this sentence from Log Hotel:

This woodpecker is listening for bugs inside the log.

Is the woodpecker listening inside the log, or are the bugs inside the log? Most kids reading the book could resolve this by looking at the illustration, but Acuitas is blind. So he can only consider which creature is more likely to be inside a log. Rather than get into a bunch of complex spatial reasoning, I introduced the semantic relationship "fits_in." A bird can't fit inside a log (unless it's hollow), but bugs can. And if a bird can't be inside a log, he can't listen inside a log either.

I also did a lot of the work I'd planned on the Conversation Engine, but it's not really in a finished state yet, so I'm going to save a writeup of that for next month.

Until the next cycle,

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